Hi guys this is Raj from paypercallexposed.com and I want to expose some new stuff to you today and I want to show you one of my accounts where I have multiple offers running as you can see here. But I want to show you the possibilities. So this one here I am showing you a ten month duration and I how I made $73,000 dollars in revenue from pay per call marketing and I just want to quickly walk you through this. As well check out my review of RingPartner Affiliate Network.
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Transcript of video.
So the first offer here, I really can’t see the side here but I’ll tell you what it is , it’s an alarm offer, this one is a credit counselling offer, this one is a debt offer, debt relief that it is, this one is another home alarm, this is substance abuse, this one is auto insurance, this one is also auto insurance, this one is a limo service, this one is a tech support, we are not used to, offer that, last one is eating disorder helpline. So what I wanted to show you is that these are all different offers that I am running within my one account here. I have many accounts as you guys have probably known from my other videos but what I want to show you is the potentials so this first one here, the home alarm, I drove 1700 calls, 967 were paid, earned me $47,000 over the duration of time, it’s really important I keep talking about it, conversion rate, look how high the pay per call conversion rates are, 54, 63, 66, these are super high, I didn’t get this from day one, it took me a while, you can see from this account, the progression. So but optimization, always looking for conversion. in the beginning I was probably losing money, I can’t recall, I’m sure I was and then I found that point where I started converting to profit and that’s where I started hitting hard and really ramping that profitability and look at the connection times, this is how long people are staying on the phone, these are quality calls. These are the calls that you want to send to your offer, to make the businesses happy and your vendor happy whatever network you are running with. Keeping them happy they are definitely going to keep you happy because the better calls you send, the higher payouts you’re going to get. I talk about it in my course in my online guide, how to negotiate higher payout once you start performing better than the rest of the network and you know the more money you make the more money they make, they have no problem sharing a little bit of the profit with you. At the end of the day you win, they win everybody is happy and really keeping them happy is important.
Let me show you, I’m going to go into here into transactions so what this will do is its going to show the calls coming in, I know these are just a bunch of calls but what I want to do is show you a couple of things. so look at the duration, let me just organize this by the longest, so look at this one is an hour, that’s quite long, but look how long these calls are and then some of them don’t have payouts because some of them are repeats or whatever but when we were talking about earnings, look at how high some of these payouts are, and they are still long calls like 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 8 minutes, 11 minutes and you know $95 of calls, $70 of calls, these are a bunch of $72 in here. This is a very viable way to make money, big passive income for long term growth. the other thing too look at the phone type, everybody is always talking mobile, I know mobile is important it is, but you know the opportunity on landlines is huge, look at these calls in landlines on this screen here, most of them are landlines and obviously I mixed all the different states in that but really looking at this data I was going to help you so you going to find out where you’re getting too many repeats as well as too many hang ups and things like that so make sure you’re checking this stuff out. I’m going to overlay my conversion on here and you can see the conversion rate, I know you can’t see it by day but its super high. Typically it’s usually lower down here but once you learn and master pay per call you’re going to get awesome conversion rates which mean you spend less money and your profitability is higher.
Let me go to individual promo number. so what I do a lot of and what you learn in my course is that I break up everything into different phone numbers so here you’ll see there’s a few more lines than I showed before, it’s because there’s repeats and this one here and this one here are the same offer but I channel them with different phone numbers so I know which is converting higher so in this example this one is converting at 36% meanwhile when I go back here, this is at 55% so it’s much more different. I know this one is working better than the other one and vice versa. So I usually make multiple channels so I can really target and nail down where the traffic is coming from and how is it converting. if it’s costing me more if the conversion is really low, ok like this one here is a shitty 2% I don’t even know what this one was, that one was a substance abuse channel, see this is a good example here too, this one is substance abuse like 2% and then this one is at 12%, it’s not so great but it’s much higher, let me see if I can find another one here to compare, okay I don’t have anyone but this two here, yeah 12 and 4, I showed you that. so again multiple channels to really dig in deep so you can optimize as you go and when I’m looking at my months here, you can see how it progresses higher and higher, so you’re probably asking yourself while I made $72,000 good chunk of change, you probably spent a lot of money, I didn’t.
I won’t lie at the beginning obviously its small but it’s all about scale. Doing this time frame I spent about twenty to thirty thousand dollars in ten months. monthly its much less, obviously when you bring it up monthly it’s not, doesn’t sound so damaging but I dint spend that much money, I was spending the whole $4000 a month, $6000 a month at the beginning, it was much more less and as I scaled the business, as I learned what’s working I started dumping money into what’s converting high and I started pulling out of what the poor performances were and its really what it’s all about and when I’m looking at my account and I have an average conversion rate of 41%, its super high so that’s the key thing and I really hope in my course you learn that as well going to whatever you do conversion is so important so your efforts are worth your time. That’s it, is there anything else I want to show you guys? now you’re probably wondering where my sources and traffic from this so I don’t have, I’m going to dig deep into this in separate videos because this would take me forever to go through all the different channels but this is social like Facebook as I talk about in all my different course, its obviously search and Google ad words and Bing ads and how to optimize those which I also talk about in the course but its different channels, I did some flyers with some of these I believe but I’ll make other videos ill separate into legal offers and into home alarm offers and show you how I did it. okay so that’s all for now I just wanted to show you that account, the possibilities are endless and you can do this as well.
So if you are ready to start pay per call marketing and need some help either you are a newbie and you need step by step guide or you have some experience and you want to ramp it up, I have advanced techniques shown here at paypercallexposed.com so come check it out , it’s a membership site, one-time fee for unlimited access and you actually have a free preview so if you come to the site you go to members area, this is all the content, there is no fluffy in here, there is no long videos in here like this one, it’s all straight to the point like exactly what to do step by step, I have screen shots with numbers laid there tells you step by step what to do , it couldn’t bee any more clear. the other thing that you have with this membership is you’re going to have access to me so if you have any questions, you want to review a campaign, you have idea you want to run by me no problem, for the first couple of weeks you have my support so you’re not alone, so it’s going to be a great way to build from the ground up with me on your side.
So if we look through these different areas you will see I talk about educational books, introduction to pay per call, about the industry and I go to how to build high converting landing pages talking about search , advanced search methods, advanced tools, knowing your competition and how to get across your customers, talking about how to promote other than search, we are talking about social out of the box type of offline methods, advanced pay per call tracking I talk about conversions, how you can double conversions with your own IVR its pretty amazing, thing called tracking and then once you’re a rock star and killing it and you’re making great money for yourself and your network, time to ask for a raise so I have actually a pre-made letter which you can use and just float your own information, gets me a new rate every time, you got to prove yourself but once you’re there you got to make sure the message you’re sending t your account manager is top notch so you get that higher payout and then my closing comments.
So again come check on this site, I have here other videos too talking about this one here, this one is actually from February 2016 so very current, this month when I’m recording this and this one talks about some data that I show some new offers that I ran and actually shows the advertising which I have got out but hit me up at paypercallexposed.com if you have any questions and I’ll see you then, bye.